Analyze Technical Settings of Tables

Step type: Simple user interface.

Step description: This step automatically defines the most optimal execution strategy based on the table settings in the SAP repository as well as in the DTS setup. You can review and adjust the defined execution strategy in the step Maintain technical settings.

Detailed functions: The following parameters are available:

NOTE Depending on the selected run ID scenario and content package, the displayed screen might differ.
  • Tables: Select option to restrict the analysis by table names.

  • Overwrite existing technical setup: Flag forcing the update of already filled attributes of the field below:

    • Package size

    • Package per partition

    • Insert mode

  • Automatic near-zero downtime: Available for NZD content packages only. Allows you to configure automatic NZD processing for bigger tables based on the following settings:

    • Enable delta for big tables: Flag enabling automatic NZD setup for tables bigger than the parameters Min. table size in kB.

    • Min. table size in kB: If the processed table has a higher value in kB than the entered value, DTS adds the table to the NZD processing. Default value: 5 GB.

    • Ignore tables: Defines tables to be ignored even if the size parameter Min. table size in kB is valid. The select options here might be prefilled by the content package.

  • Automatic parallel read setup: Section to define the parallel read for bigger tables. For more information, see the chapter Setting up the Parallel Read.

    • Enable/disable parallel read: Flag enabling the automatic parallel read setup for tables bigger than the parameter Min. table size in kB. For tables smaller than this parameter, the defined partitioning is removed. This also applies to partitioning that is defined in a DTS content package.

      NOTE Cluster tables and pool tables are not affected. You must set them manually if the partitioning is not defined in content. This manual setup is possible in the step Maintain technical settings.
    • Min. table size in kB: If the processed table has a higher value in kB than the entered value, DTS defines the parallel read according to the key fields for the table. Default value: ~5 GB. If defined, the table WHERE condition is considered during the creation of read partitions.

    • Partition size in kB: Size of one parallel partition. Default value: 500 MB. For example, for a 5 GB table, there will be 10 parallel read partitions.

    • Use preselection if possible: Relevant only for scenarios with preselection. Uses preselected values to build the parallel read setup. The purpose is to lower the number of records processed during the read tasks. If enabled, the selected table is joined with the preselected records. For example, the table ANLA (asset master record segment) is selected based on the values in the BUKRS business object table. The assets that do not belong to the relevant company codes are already excluded in the database.

      NOTE You must execute the preselection before selecting this option. This means that the preselection will run twice: First to build the parallel read partitions and secondly in the downtime for the final data preselection.
    • Overwrite existing par. setup: Overwrites the existing parallel read if it is not reused from another table (see the partitioning type Reuse partitioning) while maintaining the technical settings. The parallel read setup can be filled either by DTS content or by a manual change in the step Maintain technical settings.